Thursday, June 19, 2014

Video and update

Tulsa tough happened.  It was good.  Saturday was going good for me.  I had 1 bottle and no food, I expected a 65 or 70 minute race, it ended up being 80 minutes...80 minutes at 31mph and I was not feeling the super fast lap and sprint at the end.  I was hanging on to 16th coming down the hill...If I had anything I could have gone harder and even got top 10, but I could barely pedal in the sprint....getting passed by many and I think ending at 24th.

Sunday was my race, it's a race I believe I can win.  It's the hardest I think.  It was raining hard and I had a lot of pressure on myself.  It's the 1st race in probably 4 years where I wanted to win bad.  I was staying towards the front as hard as I could, then I was at the front going up the hill, maybe 8 laps in, and started getting passed.  I got out of the saddle on the wet steep hill and my back wheel started slipping.  I was spinning out.  I got more frustrated and just pedaled harder.  Spinning out even more.  I had so much pressure on myself that I wasn't thinking clearly.  I lost 20 spots just spinning out up the hill.  Next time down the hill I wanted to make up spots. It was still raining, wet, and I started going around guys through the super corner.  I was watching all the guys in front of me, making sure they were going to stay up, going fast around the outside passing a few I came up on a guy who half way through the turn locked his back wheel up.  I did the same hoping not to ride over him and I started sliding.  Everything hurt.  I wanted to get back in and take a free lap but I grabbed my left lever and felt this huge cut across my hand. I couldn't grab my controls or steer my bike so it was all over.  The rest of the race, and p1 race, were a blast to watch. I do recommend going down there for the party, even if you aren't racing.

This is a great video. It starts out real slow, but keep watching, it's got a lot bike racing things in it.

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