Wednesday, April 2, 2014

It's almost Saturday again.

It's April, my race season hasn't started yet, but I've finally got that awesome feeling when I wake up in the morning.  Like I was sleeping with my waste down covered in a ton of bricks.  It's been 7 weeks since since I last felt that euphoria, the goodness of miles from the previous days of riding.   It's back and I now have a little more than 9 weeks to be as fast as I can be.  63 days actually, it doesn't sound like that many, it's not a lot but I am easing into it.

4/13 bazaar
4/27 sheehan
5-3,4,5  vtgp
5/25 blancarte tt
6/8,9 tulsatough
6/21,22 tour of kc

There's the 10am saturday ride, come early for free coffee, leaves from 39th at 10, 37 miles at race speed.

Saturday night, it's a midnight 6 hour century ride, all night long, hundred and something miles.

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