Monday, November 21, 2011

The thick of it.

This time of year, it goes by fast. The time of year you think about all season, all throught the spring road races, summer crits, and fall training for cx. Sad thing is by the time it gets here, the real season of cx, you're tired, flat, and are fat.

I'm not riding my bike this week till friday, hopefully I will have good legs by then. I'm not saying that is what people should do to prepare to race, its probably the opposite, but I want to be truly motivated to race when I show up in Iowa, even if I am out of shape. Right now I wish I could go back in time, maybe to the 1st of october, and started a running regimen. 1 mile a day, 3 days a week. Train real hard. Instead, I didn't do any running, and I wasn't able to ride much, so I just got fat. I'll no for next year. I'm pretty sure I said something like this last year too. You think you want to be fast in october so you take more rest days and stay off your feet and avoid running to avoid hurting yourself, then you realize that you should have worked harder.

I'm still gathering my thoughts from last weekend. I have spent much time debating what makes a great cx race, what gets 200-300 people to come out to race. I am now realizing that handing out $13,000 does not do it. What gives? What causes people to sell their cx bike and stick to the road, or cancel there cross events because they fear of a low turnout and are tired of the effort for no reward? I'll keep thinking. Why aren't more people getting cx bikes. 80% of the cx bikes ridden in KC probably never line up to the starting line of a real race.

For a few weeks I was jealous of places, such as portland, getting 1400 people to show up and race for cans of food. Now, I'm truly proud of what the KC Cyclocross scene has to offer and no one should take it for granted.

Boss Cross is December 3rd and 4th. This race is gold. If you have friends interested in bikes, get them to come out and watch. Offer them beer, offer your bike for them to ride the course. Share the fun with them.

If there is a race not to miss this year its this one. Why? Because its next!

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