18 starters, a lot of fast guys. Course was awesome, pretty heavy with some wide power sections and tricky techy sections.
The down up ditch section had way more sharp rocks this time around, a few open racers had there bikes on there cars before even registering, there tires had gone flat on the rocks. There were many mad faces, ruined tires sucks.
I started pretty good, stayed up for a while, but my head and heart wasn't working right, so I pulled the plug early to race the ss race. I am not in good shape right now, and the fast guys are going really fast for nationals and worlds.
This pic must be frmo the first lap. The drop goes into some deep ridable mud and lots of rocks. That's Travis watching guys flat here, after he double flatted 2 pdx tubeless tubulars here during warmup, $160...done. He's the man behind Ethos Racing and All Weather Control(heating and air).
The single speed race started, it was sunny, muddy, fun. Summers and Wesley Boyce were there to race. After a lap Wesley and I had a gap on Summers, and we kept it the whole race. On the last lap there's this drop and ride up in the grass before the sharp rock section, I really liked it on my geared bike, but the ss didn't do well getting up it. I slipped at the top, Boyce got around and put in some effort to drop me for good, so I ended up 2nd.
Got stuff for sale. Even better deal if you get me directly, ebay fees are getting higher and higher.
Don't forget about the
Order goes in next week.
This skinsuit has seen better days. It's basically my team gear for the last 3 years, I've raced about 102 cx races in it and more than 45 road races. After last years last cx race, I told myself I should burn it, to keep from being tempted to ride in it. We'll see.
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