Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I'm able to watch a little bit of the tour, using my computer.  There's no tv in my house, so this website is a godsend.  Live feeds in the morning, then lots of videos of interviews and highlights. 

Stage 3 highlights

I do have to say I am a little bothered at the fans against Sagan.  The dude rips it.  Period.  Saying you dislike his "moves" as he crosses the finish line doesn't bother him one bit.  Doesn't bother me either. He's 22, he's won 2 of the 3 stages of his first tour, he'll do what he wants. Ever see a grown man score a touchdown in a football game?

Its puzzling how no one is mumbling the "d" word around with this kid.  That was all we heard about with Gilbert last year when he was winning.


  1. when someone is dominating like he is, its hard not to think he's doping. all i can do is hope he's not that stupid. time will tell.

  2. They're all dopers, so pick your favorite ones and cheer them on!

  3. Stop eating Snickers bars, and go buy a $25 Antenna, you'll get a bunch of channels (including NBC, though probably not NBCSN). On the weekends the tour is run on NBC, but all the week days it's on NBCSN.
